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Features / Provisioning Automation
Provisioning Module

We provide an industry leading Reseller Automation platform that has an in-built automatic provisioning engine. All purchases, upgrades, downgrades, modifications made by your Customers are automatically provisioned instantaneously. OrderBox handles provisioning and deployment for various different Products

  • New Purchases are instantly provisioned
  • Renewals are immediately recorded in the database
  • All Upgrades/Downgrades/Modifications reflect immediately in the corresponding deployment
  • Orders can be configured to be suspended upon non-payment or expiry

The OrderBox ensures provisioning of all paid orders without any manual intervention. Find below specific Deployment and Provisioning details for all Products integrated into the OrderBox

Detailed Features - Provisioning Automation

Domain Registration - Deployment and Provisioning highlights

We have relationships with a large number of TLD Registries. All Domain Registration actions - Registration, Transfer, Modification etc are provisioned immediately by connecting to the respective Registry.

Web/Mail Hosting, SiteBuilder, LiveChat and other Web Services - Deployment and Provisioning highlights

OrderBox integrated with the Web Hosting Control Panels provides instantaneous and seamless provisioning of Web Hosting accounts for your Customers and Resellers.

All Web Hosting accounts are deployed within our Virtual Datacenter. OrderBox will automatically connect to the currently designated cluster of servers to provision Hosting accounts of your Resellers and Customers.

All the provisioning is instantaneous. Therefore your Customers can begin using their hosting accounts immediately upon placing an order. Similarly your Customers can upgrade, downgrade, modify their packages at anytime and these changes would be instantaneously provisioned too. Accounts can automatically be suspended on non-payment or expiry. OrderBox integrates into the Web Hosting Control Panels and handles all these provisioning tasks seamlessly and immediately.